Welcome to RMT-CEFAM

The Ruben M. Tanseco, S.J. Center for Family Ministries (RMT-CEFAM) is a ministry undertaken by the Society of Jesus and its lay partners. It seeks to promote family well-being, healing, and growth. It also provides the resources to empower the family to become a community of love, justice, and peace.

We offer academic and intersession programs for those interested in the helping ministry through pastoral counseling and spiritual care.
Go beyond the wedding! Attend our CANA marriage preparation program.
Providing a safe place for individuals, couples, and families where they can find guidance and support, heal, and restore well-being

Our Psycho-Spiritual Approach

RMT-CEFAM’s approach is faith-based and value-oriented, as well as technique- and skill-oriented. This means that while RMT-CEFAM is dedicated to maintaining high professional competency and standards in its teaching and pastoral counseling ministries, it does so with an explicit recognition of God’s activity in our lives.